The Principles of Healing are found in the Laws of Frequency. Not the rate of how often we do something, but the length of the vibrational wave of the thing – the action, thought, or feeling.



1. The rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time or in a given sample.
“shops have closed with increasing frequency during the period”

2. The rate at which a vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light), usually measured per second.
“different thicknesses of glass will absorb different frequencies of sound”

Working with the second definition, we can safely say that absolutely everything has a frequency. From a stone, to a tree, to a thought we have about our neighbors, to a feeling we carry around in our body. The frequency can be measured on a scale. From low to high or from slow to fast.

Colors all have a frequency. Reds wavelengths are longer than violet. Neither is better, it’s just a fact, a Law of the Universe. This is how the third dimensional reality that we exist in creates itself.

Working with the second definition, we can safely say that absolutely everything has a frequency. From a stone, to a tree, to a thought we have about our neighbors, to a feeling we carry around in our body. The frequency can be measured on a scale. From low to high or from slow to fast.

Colors all have a frequency. Reds wavelengths are longer than violet. Neither is better, it’s just a fact, a Law of the Universe. This is how the third dimensional reality that we exist in creates itself.

However, we seldom understand how to apply this information about frequency to our own life. How do we apply this principal to our own reality?

In the wake of so much upheaval occurring in our country, I hear many people asking, “How can I hold all this?” “How can I be with all this?” While this is a compassionate question to be asking, a question that might provide for more levity in the end is: “How do I heal what I see in the world in myself?” And the answer is: raise your frequency. That’s correct, we can raise our frequency ourselves! And when we vibrate (cells, thoughts, feelings), at a higher wavelength, lower frequency thoughts and feelings transform instantly. Much how a tuning fork works by becoming the dominant pitch to bring everything else up to perfect tune, the light we ignite in ourselves acts like a tuning fork for other vibrational tones that are distorted or out of tune.

The darkness we witness and sometimes feel comes from ignorance (the inverse of truth), which can alternatively be seen as the distortion of light waves. Rage and depression – frequencies that vibrate at a slower pace and can create distortion in our vibrational field- are more dense and heavier as a physical sensation. When we raise our frequency, we can shift our state of consciousness immediately. And by doing so, gain access to new perspective, insights, and understanding that was not available prior.

This is how The Principles of Healing are found in The Laws of Frequency, connoting an accelerated way to evolve. When we heal, we up-level our frequency and instantly take a quantum leap from one reality to another. It’s a profound experience that can leave an individual in awe. Seemingly like entering a room filled with brand new narratives and tools, ways of being, ways of seeing, and storylines that are aligned with personal freedom rather than sabotage or hardship. In one instance, none of this is present, and in another instant, it is! Such is the game of this reality on earth. A game that everyone is invited to play!

I remember, on my own path, how I began to heal aspects of pain that arose in my relationship to my mother. As if living inside a miracle, elements of how I understood my mother, what I thought she thought about me, and what I thought about her, completely and utterly transformed. As I dove into the game of frequency, patterns of hurt and misunderstanding that lived inside of me seemed to dissolve. By gaining a new perspective, I not only saw where I had been stuck, but I saw how my own healing and freedom where in the palm of my hands. And how do you think my mother felt when I dropped so much baggage? Pretty good, I can tell you that. By healing myself through the principles of frequency, I helped elevate our connection and improved our relationship. (Remember: I did not set out to heal, convince, educate, or enlighten my mother! I focused on me, and thus, was able to show up with more love and more ease and inevitably the relationship shifted).

Healing, thus, brings about transformation. And this happens through raising our frequency. Please note here that transformation is very different from change. Transformation means something is different forever, at a core level. It’s the difference between painting a wall in your home (change) and knocking it down to open up the room (transformation). So let’s get down to it! There are several ways to raise our frequency. Today, I’ll walk us through the key methods: intention, breathe work, and visualization.


Join me now in this guided meditation where we practice all three and experience the weight of certain thoughts and feelings dissolve in the higher frequency of light that we are.